Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Device CAL
Ready for shipment immediately, delivery time 24h
- Item no: SW10481
- Manufacturer no: 359-01464
- Duration: Permanently valid
- Language: All languages
- Country zone: US
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Anzahl | 1x Device CAL |
System | SQL Server |
CAL | Device CAL |
Lieferumfang | License ID + Authentification Code |
Laufzeit | Unbegrenzt |
Sprachen | Alle Sprachen |
Mit einer Device CAL können Anwender auf die in der neuen SQL Server 2022 Software für bestimmte Editionen – wie z.B. Standard – zur Verfügung gestellten Funktionen und Services der zuverlässigen relationalen Datenplattform von Microsoft zugreifen, aktuelle Datenbank- sowie Analyse- und Reporting-Funktionen Unternehmen und Organisationen für eine umfassende Nutzung bereitstellt. SQL Server 2022 überzeugt durch seine starke Performance und die Bereitstellung von umfassenden Kommunikationsschnittstellen sowie die Nutzung von Big Data Clustern, inklusive umfassender Sicherheits- und Schutzmaßnahmen für Daten und deren Integrität sowie viele weitere Features, die deren Bereitstellung für unterschiedliche Anwendungen auch in der Cloud ermöglichen.
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Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Device CAL
With a Device CAL , users can access the features and Services of the reliable relational data platform from Microsoft provided in the new SQL Server 2022 software for specific editions - such as Standard - current database as well as analysis and reporting functions provide companies and organizations for extensive use. SQL Server 2022 impresses with its strong performance and the provision of comprehensive communication interfaces as well as the use of Big Data clusters, including comprehensive security and protection measures for data and its integrity as well as many other features that enable its deployment for various applications even in the Cloud.
Each Windows-enabled end device with which users access the Server services of Microsoft SQL Server 2022 requires an additional client access license (Device CAL), as this is not included in the SQL Server license. Only the client access license gives an end device the necessary access rights. In the end, it does not matter whether a Desktop-PC, a notebook, smartphone or a tablet is licensed with the Device CAL . The purchaser of the Device CAL can therefore freely decide with which licensed end device he wants to access the SQL Server 2022. In addition, a Device CAL for an earlier version of SQL Server cannot be used to access the current SQL Server version 2022.
Used Device CALs for SQL Server 2022 can already be pre-ordered at Wiresoft! These are expected to be available to you right after the official release date. Benefit with used software from Wiresoft from the lower price compared to the new SQL client access licenses for end devices offered in the software trade, as well as from the possibility to buy only the exact number of Device CALs you actually need for your SQL 2022 Server software!
SQL Server 2022 Device CAL - Benefit from all the new advantages of MS SQL Server 2022
SQL Server 2022 is the latest version of the reliable Relational Database Management System from Microsoft, which provides companies and organizations of various sizes with a wide range of database as well as analysis and reporting functions, which are commonly used in enterprise resource planning and CRM systems as well as ERP software. SQL Server 2022 provides a strong, Cloud-enabled relational database management system for these business areas that can be flexibly adapted to growing challenges.
SQL Server 2022 - Typical Services
With a Device CAL , depending on the edition of SQL Server 2022, employees can take advantage of features such as clustering (group mapping) of data, as well as monitoring functions when processing targeted database queries for systematic collection, among others. Users also benefit with a licensed endpoint from all the advantages Intelligent Query Processing offers in accelerating queries of even larger data sets, including machine learning tools as well as PolyBase for optimized processing of Transact-SQL queries from external data sources.
SQL Server 2022 - Big Data Cluster
Especially with the introduction of Big Data Cluster in MS SQL Server, a whole range of powerful analysis tools are again available for comprehensive Big Data management in SQL Server version 2022, including e.g. intelligent query processing for accelerated and at the same time reliable processing of large data volumes including their provision for various, also Cloud-based applications. Big Data workloads can thus also be moved to SQL Server, but also as well as external databases can be queried directly.
With Big Data Clusters, scalable clusters of SQL Server-, HDFS as well as Spark containers can also be deployed via Kubernetes. It is also possible to perform AI and machine learning tasks in HDFS storage pools via it, while additionally using the Data Lake tool to analyze data from various external sources, combine it with relational data and store it. In addition to AI tools, Spark, R, Python and Java, for example, can also be used. The resulting applications can then be designed as containers as well as apps for web services that access the data stored in a Big Data cluster.
Other features also include Transact-SQL for parallel querying and data writing and processing, and the Data Mart feature, which improves the performance of data analytics by scaling Big Data clusters horizontally.
For up-to-date info on the Services usable with a Device client access license for SQL Server 2022, contact one of our team members at Wiresoft.
SQL 2022 Device CAL - How is licensing done?
For certain SQL Server 2022 editions, as an alternative to Core-based licensing, Client-Access licensing, e.g. for end devices, is also available from Microsoft license management. The prerequisite is that the CAL is valid for at least the same or a higher version in order to be allowed to use the Server services on a Windows-enabled end device. The Device CAL 2022 only contains the access rights for the client/server environment of SQL Server 2022 - and no software that has to be installed.
The license model of Microsoft will probably again offer two types of CALs for certain editions of SQL Server 2022:
- Device CAL for SQL Server 2022: with this a dedicated end device (e.g. PC, Laptop, Tablet, Phone) gets the access rights
- User CAL for SQL Server 2022: with this a dedicated User gets access rights
SQL Server 2022 - What are the benefits of CAL-based licensing?
For certain editions of Microsoft SQL Server, companies have the choice between Core-based and CAL-based licensing. Depending on the number of endpoints to be licensed, purchasing CALs may then be the more financially viable option for customers. And with the used Device access licenses from Wiresoft, no prescribed, rigid licensing scale applies any more, so you buy exactly the number of Device CALs you actually need and can purchase additional individual Deivce CALs at any time.
SQL 2022 Device CAL - Use version compatibility for SQL Server 2022!
The Device CAL for SQL Server 2022 is the latest client access license published by Microsoft. If you plan to use older Server software in addition to the appropriate SQL Server 2022 version, the Device CAL SQL Server 2022 gives you the advantage of a downgrade because it also equips an endpoint with access rights for previous versions such as 2019 and older. Conversely, if you have a Device CAL valid for previous versions of SQL Server, you cannot access SQL Server 2022 (upgrade).
SQL 2022 Device CAL - What are the terms of SQL Server 2022 licensing?
As mentioned above, Pro Device CAL a specific endpoint is granted access rights to SQL Server 2022, which for used CALs are identical to those of new client access licenses. However, the Device CAL cannot be transferred to another PC, laptop, etc. once registration is complete. It is also impossible to change the CAL type and use e.g. the Device CAL to register a User (User CAL). However, parallel use of Device CALs and Device CALs for SQL Server 2022 is possible.
With these provisions, the Microsoft CAL license management also wants to help prevent improper access to an SQL Server 2022 and its data and increase their security against unauthorized device access.
SQL Server 2022 Device CAL - What are the benefits for SQL Server 2022?
The Device CAL does not differ from the User CAL in terms of the access options that are included when using the SQL Server 2022 Services.
There are only differences in the functionality of the different SQL editions. The device-specific client access license (Device CAL) only offers other advantages due to the differently regulated access options to the SQL Server: The Windows-capable end device licensed with the Device CAL can be used for server access by any employee of a company who is authorized to do so. The Device CAL then offers a greater advantage if the licensed end device is used alternately by several employees. Mobile end devices equipped with a Device CAL , such as a laptop or tablet, can then also be used by the respective user locally independently - e.g. at Home-Office or on the road - for SQL server access.
If you have any further questions about purchasing client access licenses for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 as used software or other Microsoft software, please feel free to contact us by email, phone or chat.